Tuesday 19 March 2019

What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Video Of
 CNBC’s Elizabeth Schulze explains.



Technology itself offers one path to a solution. In form of  robotics and cyber-security to supply chain management.For people with industry expertise who need to become proficient in digital or problem-solving skills, including teachers seeking to prepare their students for the future, a system that would allow every student to understand significant time – every week, every month or every year – to acquiring fresh skills. People need to adapt from the new technology and learn new things.

Pros And Cons Of The Evolution

  Let’s take a good look at all of the advantages and disadvantages of the Fo”th Industrial Evolution, cheaper prices, making production processes more efficient. Also resulted in dramatically lower prices for goods. This was due to the time they take to produce food. And the disadvantage would be a loss of farming there was much more money to be made in the cities than in the rural farming areas. 

Industrial Evolution In Farming Industry

This will cause farmers to leave their farms and move to the industrial centers and the end up getting infertile. This made the amount of farmed foods scarce for a long period of time and to get expired.All previous industrial revolutions have had both positive and negative impacts on different stakeholders. Nations have become wealthier, and technologies have helped pull entire societies out of poverty. We can take the steps to align common human values with our technological progress and ensure that the Fourth Industrial Revolution benefits human beings first and foremost.The Fourth Industrial Revolution is therefore not a prediction of the future but a call to action. It is a vision for developing, diffusing, and governing technologies in ways that foster a more empowering, collaborative, and sustainable foundation for social and economic development, built around shared values of the common good, human dignity, and taking care of the next generation by connecting 

Tuesday 12 March 2019

The history of evolution

What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? | CNBC Explains - YouTube

The First Industrial Revolution is widely taken to be the shift from our reliance on animals, human effort and biomass as primary sources of energy to the use of fossil fuels and the mechanical power this enabled.

 The Second Industrial Revolution occurred between the end of the 19th century and the first two decades of the 20th century, and brought major breakthroughs in the form of electricity distribution, both wireless and wired communication, the synthesis of ammonia and new forms of power generation.

The Third Industrial Revolution began in the 1950s with the development of digital systems, communication and rapid advances in computing power, which have enabled new ways of generating, processing and sharing information.

The Fo"th Industrial Evolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution can be described as the advent of “cyber-physical systems” involving entirely new capabilities for people and machines. While these capabilities are reliant on the technologies and infrastructure of the Third Industrial Revolution, the Fourth Industrial Revolution represents entirely new ways in which technology becomes embedded within societies and even our human bodies. Examples include genome editing, new forms of machine intelligence, breakthrough materials and approaches to governance that rely on cryptographic methods such as the block chain.

The Industrial Evolution

What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Video Of   CNBC’s Elizabeth Schulze explains. THE FO"TH INDUSTRIAL EVOLUTION TH...

The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective